Classroom Management

9 04, 2018

#54 The Negative Stigma of Being a Teacher (pt.2)

2022-06-08T22:49:44+00:00Comments Off on #54 The Negative Stigma of Being a Teacher (pt.2)

Hello everyone! As much as I enjoy highlighting the big voices in the educational community, I love finding the new ones too. In this episode, I continue my conversation with Katie Tollitt of For Teachers, and dive into about as many subjects [...]

19 03, 2018

#51 Teaching with Kindness ft. The Weary Teacher (pt.1)

2022-06-08T22:51:40+00:00Comments Off on #51 Teaching with Kindness ft. The Weary Teacher (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Sometimes, I really like who I get on the show, and sometimes I'm a big fan of the guest... in the case of Haley Curfman, also known as The Weary Teacher, it's both. Haley is an educator who embodies what it [...]

5 03, 2018

#49 It’s Time To Talk About Diversity in our Curriculum (pt.1)

2022-06-08T22:52:44+00:00Comments Off on #49 It’s Time To Talk About Diversity in our Curriculum (pt.1)

Hello everyone! It's time to talk about diversity in our curriculum, and I've brought on an educator from New York, Marguerite Thompson, to help us through this complex and hot topic issue. I found Marguerite after her post sharing her door decoration [...]

26 02, 2018

#48 Solving the Culture Puzzle (Adam Dovico pt.2)

2022-06-08T22:53:12+00:00Tags: , |Comments Off on #48 Solving the Culture Puzzle (Adam Dovico pt.2)

Hello everyone! I'm just going to be blunt... I. LOVE. THIS. EPISODE. Adam goes into detail about how a school should go about solving culture issues, why it's important to tackle culture first, and how, even though he struggles like the [...]

19 02, 2018

#47 The Limitless School with Adam Dovico (pt.1)

2022-06-08T22:53:44+00:00Tags: |Comments Off on #47 The Limitless School with Adam Dovico (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Today, I have the honor and privilege of bringing you Adam Dovico, a first time principal at Moore Magnet Elementary in North Carolina, and co-author of The Limitless School with Abe Hege. Adam Dovico is an accomplished teacher, author, [...]

26 06, 2017

#28 The Ron Clark Academy (S1 Finale pt.2)

2022-06-08T23:02:29+00:00Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on #28 The Ron Clark Academy (S1 Finale pt.2)

Hello everyone! It's been an amazing first year of podcasting. I wasn't sure where this show was going to go, but with all the love being shown for it, I know it will continue on well into the future. But enough [...]

13 06, 2017

#27 The Ron Clark Academy (S1 Finale pt.1)

2022-06-08T23:02:57+00:00Tags: |Comments Off on #27 The Ron Clark Academy (S1 Finale pt.1)

Hello everyone! If you've ever been curious about The Ron Clark Academy, or wondered if the hype is all that it's cracked up to be, then here's your chance to hear all about what a two day trip to it consists [...]

25 04, 2017

#23 The Growth Mindset

2022-06-08T23:04:42+00:00Tags: , |Comments Off on #23 The Growth Mindset

Hello everyone! Exciting times are among us as we are reaching the end of the year! Can you believe it? As the year comes to a close, I like to look back and look forward, each to help myself grow as [...]

31 10, 2016

#12 Recovering From a Tough Year

2022-06-08T23:09:37+00:00Tags: , , , |Comments Off on #12 Recovering From a Tough Year

Hello everyone! In this episode, I talk with Mrs. West about her toughest year, what went wrong, and how she came out on top afterwards. Not only does she open up and share her personal stories about how she struggled and why, [...]

10 10, 2016

#10 Great Learning Spaces with Flexible Seating

2022-06-08T23:10:37+00:00Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on #10 Great Learning Spaces with Flexible Seating

Hello everyone! We took last week off due to scheduling issues, but we are back with a great episode. We are talking flexible seating (alternative seating) in the classroom. We hit on why you should consider changing your class seating, giving [...]

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