Hello everyone!

It’s been an amazing first year of podcasting. I wasn’t sure where this show was going to go, but with all the love being shown for it, I know it will continue on well into the future.

But enough about that (until the season 2 intro episode), and let’s get to more Ron Clark!

In this episode, Chris Cruz, Malyn Bannister, Lindsey Stewart, and I spend more time reflecting on what we got out of our experience at The Ron Clark Academy (if you missed that, click here), as well as dive into what changes we are planning to make in our own classrooms because of it.

This episode is such a great way to close out the season. Most teachers are rocking their summer breaks right now, and for many of us, that means we are planning–or are about to start–the planning process for the next year. Hopefully, our reflections and goals can help you in some way!

Let us know!

And as always,


PS: If you want to stay up to date with all announcements, scroll up and click the Twitter and Facebook links to stay in touch! I would love to talk with you all.