
23 01, 2023

#295 Counseling in Today’s Schools with Counselor Accents (pt.1)

2023-01-23T05:14:00+00:00Comments Off on #295 Counseling in Today’s Schools with Counselor Accents (pt.1)

Hello everyone! We know that change is happening in our society. For many, this change has been difficult and has put strain on the very systems we support and are a part of. In education, counselors are often a key piece [...]

16 01, 2023

#294 Finally Choosing Yourself (Halee Sikorski pt.2)

2023-01-16T16:52:32+00:00Comments Off on #294 Finally Choosing Yourself (Halee Sikorski pt.2)

Hello everyone! We know education is a difficult place to be right now for many of us. The mounting pressure made worse by problems that never seem to go away. Unsustainable work/life balance. Toxic work places… the list can go on. [...]

9 01, 2023

#293 Why I Quit Teaching After 5 Years with Halee Sikorski (pt.1)

2023-01-09T04:55:58+00:00Comments Off on #293 Why I Quit Teaching After 5 Years with Halee Sikorski (pt.1)

Hello everyone! We know education is a difficult place to be right now for many of us. The mounting pressure made worse by problems that never seem to go away. Unsustainable work/life balance. Toxic work places... the list can go on. [...]

2 01, 2023

#292 New Year Resolutions for Teachers in 2023

2023-01-02T03:38:31+00:00Comments Off on #292 New Year Resolutions for Teachers in 2023

Hello everyone! It has become quite the tradition around here to have a New Years episode where I lay out what I think are solid resolutions for teachers. Not the be-all, end-all, of course...but maybe a little something to set you [...]

26 12, 2022

#291 Why Are you Still in Education? (Jennifer Buchholz pt.2)

2022-12-26T18:56:48+00:00Comments Off on #291 Why Are you Still in Education? (Jennifer Buchholz pt.2)

Hello everyone! We all know that teachers are leaving the classroom in droves. There is a teacher shortage (or more accurately, a shortage of people who want to work in an underpaid and under-appreciated profession). But, not everyone leaving the classroom [...]

19 12, 2022

#290 Leaving the Classroom for the LOVE of the Classroom with Jennifer Buchholz (pt.1)

2022-12-19T16:43:12+00:00Comments Off on #290 Leaving the Classroom for the LOVE of the Classroom with Jennifer Buchholz (pt.1)

Hello everyone! We all know that teachers are leaving the classroom in droves. There is a teacher shortage (or more accurately, a shortage of people who want to work in an underpaid and under-appreciated profession). But, not everyone leaving the classroom [...]

12 12, 2022

#289 The STAAR Short Constructed Response Strategies

2022-12-12T02:31:12+00:00Comments Off on #289 The STAAR Short Constructed Response Strategies

Hello everyone! Welcome to a special episode of Teach Me, Teacher focused completely on the new Texas STAAR short constructed response item type. Here at Teach Me, Teacher, we know testing isn't the be all end all, but it is a [...]

5 12, 2022

#288 The Elephant in the Room…Student Behavior (Ms. Chyna pt.2)

2022-12-05T04:56:21+00:00Comments Off on #288 The Elephant in the Room…Student Behavior (Ms. Chyna pt.2)

Hello everyone! It is no secret that teachers are facing new levels of elevated behaviors from students. Many seem to struggle with self regulation, attention, and compliance. So much of this can be attributed to schools being closed and Covid changing [...]

28 11, 2022

#287 Misery Doesn’t Need Company with Ms. Chyna (pt.1)

2022-11-28T04:23:09+00:00Comments Off on #287 Misery Doesn’t Need Company with Ms. Chyna (pt.1)

Hello everyone! It is no secret that times are changing...and have changed. Kids seem different. Behavior is all over the place (regardless of the level you work at). There are pressures from seemingly every angle... And yet, there is still joy [...]

21 11, 2022

#286 In Defense of Direct Teaching (Daniel Buck pt.2)

2022-11-21T18:38:10+00:00Comments Off on #286 In Defense of Direct Teaching (Daniel Buck pt.2)

Hello everyone! It has never been the goal of this podcast to push one side of the current issues education is facing. I value the complexities of what we do in schools, and as a consequence, value wide ranging opinions from [...]

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