
12 06, 2023

#315 Practical Classroom Management Tips (Claire English pt.2)

2023-06-12T02:53:43+00:00Comments Off on #315 Practical Classroom Management Tips (Claire English pt.2)

Hello everyone! Classroom management has never been more important in schools. Study after study cites one of the biggest reasons for teachers leaving the classroom has to do with student behavior. While we can’t control everything, we can come together and [...]

5 06, 2023

#314 A Fresh Look at Classroom Management with Claire English (pt.1)

2023-06-05T05:44:35+00:00Comments Off on #314 A Fresh Look at Classroom Management with Claire English (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Classroom management has never been more important in schools. Study after study cites one of the biggest reasons for teachers leaving the classroom has to do with student behavior. While we can't control everything, we can come together and [...]

22 05, 2023

#312 Build Up Your Community with Kyle Hill (pt.1)

2023-05-22T04:27:48+00:00Comments Off on #312 Build Up Your Community with Kyle Hill (pt.1)

Hello everyone! As the year closes, many of us start to look at what we can do better next year. We start wondering about small changes we can put in place to yield big results. One of those changes can be [...]

15 05, 2023

#311 Brain Science and Learning with Jared Horvath

2023-05-15T02:49:48+00:00Comments Off on #311 Brain Science and Learning with Jared Horvath

  Hello everyone! Today it’s my pleasure to bring you my conversation with Jared Cooney Horvath, a cognitive neuroscientist based out of the University of Melbourne specializing in human thought, learning and brain stimulation. Without a doubt, this is one of [...]

8 05, 2023

#310 When We Face Difficult Times with Pam Ochoa

2023-05-08T03:07:57+00:00Comments Off on #310 When We Face Difficult Times with Pam Ochoa

Hello everyone! Everyone has or will face times when life is just difficult.  When those difficult times show their ugly heads, we still need to teach.  The question is: “How do we keep going?” In this episode, Jacob and Pam discuss how [...]

1 05, 2023

#309 Get Hired as a Teacher with these 10 Tips

2023-05-01T02:20:30+00:00Comments Off on #309 Get Hired as a Teacher with these 10 Tips

Hello everyone! Today I’m flying solo as I offer my best 10 tips for getting hired as a teacher. While this episode is geared to new teachers, I believe anyone can follow these tips. So if you are changing schools, positions, [...]

24 04, 2023

#308 Share This with a Teacher Who Needs It

2023-04-24T03:45:18+00:00Comments Off on #308 Share This with a Teacher Who Needs It

Hello everyone! Spring is here—and everything that means for school. State testing. Unknowns. Changes. Student behavior struggles...the list goes on. This time of year can be stressful and miserable at times for teachers. If you know, you know... But this time [...]

17 04, 2023

#307 Fostering a Love for Reading in Children (Colby Sharp pt.2)

2023-04-17T03:53:38+00:00Comments Off on #307 Fostering a Love for Reading in Children (Colby Sharp pt.2)

Hello everyone! I had Colby Sharp on the podcast back in 2017, and we talked about sharing our stories as educators. Years later, Colby has released new books, podcasts, and so much more, as he spreads the good news of literacy [...]

10 04, 2023

#306 The Power of Classroom Libraries with Colby Sharp (pt.1)

2023-04-17T00:48:19+00:00Comments Off on #306 The Power of Classroom Libraries with Colby Sharp (pt.1)

Hello everyone! I had Colby Sharp on the podcast back in 2017, and we talked about sharing our stories as educators. Years later, Colby has released new books, podcasts, and so much more, as he spreads the good news of literacy [...]

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