
26 12, 2023

#333 Trauma and Aggressive Optimism with Jenna Edwards

2023-12-26T17:20:01+00:00Comments Off on #333 Trauma and Aggressive Optimism with Jenna Edwards

Hello everyone! This time of year means a lot to different people. For many, it's a time for reflection, family, and friends. For others, it can be lonely, dark, and isolating. This is also true for the kids we teach and [...]

18 12, 2023

#332 The Parent’s Role (Dr. Panlilio and Zinchenko pt.2)

2023-12-18T17:42:48+00:00Comments Off on #332 The Parent’s Role (Dr. Panlilio and Zinchenko pt.2)

Hello everyone! If you missed part 1 of this discussion—check it out here. Today, we are diving in DEEP about how to motivate young people by listening to experts Dr. Wallace Panlilio II and Artyom Zinchenko, PhD. As the minds behind [...]

11 12, 2023

#331 Where Has Student Motivation Gone? with Dr. Panlilio & Zinchenko (pt.1)

2023-12-11T04:02:30+00:00Comments Off on #331 Where Has Student Motivation Gone? with Dr. Panlilio & Zinchenko (pt.1)

  Discover the keys to fostering your child's academic triumph in this illuminating podcast episode featuring esteemed authors Dr. Wallace Panlilio II and Artyom Zinchenko, PhD. As the minds behind "Wisest Learners (Parent Edition)," they delve into the intricacies of student [...]

4 12, 2023

#330 Data in Reading and Writing Workshop with Jacob Chastain

2023-12-04T00:46:21+00:00Comments Off on #330 Data in Reading and Writing Workshop with Jacob Chastain

Love the podcast? Consider supporting the show here at Patreon.  Data often gets a bad rap... for reasons that are completely justified! But we have long sang the praises of data—if used and understood correctly. In this podcast, Jacob walks through [...]

27 11, 2023

#329 Help with Data in the Classroom (Jen Kleiber pt.2)

2023-11-27T05:25:47+00:00Comments Off on #329 Help with Data in the Classroom (Jen Kleiber pt.2)

  Hello everyone! Data in the classroom has become a buzzword that doesn’t have a lot of buzz anymore for teachers. It’s often seen as a punitive way to make educators feel like failures—and worse—make kids feel like learning is just [...]

20 11, 2023

#328 The Real Purpose of Data in the Classroom with Jen Kleiber (pt.1)

2023-11-20T15:24:35+00:00Comments Off on #328 The Real Purpose of Data in the Classroom with Jen Kleiber (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Data in the classroom has become a buzzword that doesn't have a lot of buzz anymore for teachers. It's often seen as a punitive way to make educators feel like failures—and worse—make kids feel like learning is just percentages [...]

13 11, 2023

#327 Libraries are More than Books (Billy Allen pt.2)

2023-11-20T15:05:54+00:00Comments Off on #327 Libraries are More than Books (Billy Allen pt.2)

You can watch the entire discussion by supporting the show on Patreon here.  This week on Teach Me, Teacher, we welcome back the incredible Billy Allen (@3kingvisions)! Billy, a librarian and renowned storyteller, also known as one of the “Leaders of [...]

6 11, 2023

#326 Libraries and the Communities they Serve with Billy Allen (pt.1)

2023-11-06T05:48:29+00:00Comments Off on #326 Libraries and the Communities they Serve with Billy Allen (pt.1)

You can watch the entire discussion by supporting the show on Patreon here.  This week on Teach Me, Teacher, we welcome back the incredible Billy Allen (@3kingvisions)! Billy, a librarian and renowned storyteller, also known as one of the "Leaders of [...]

30 10, 2023

#325 Why are you Arguing with a Seven Year Old? (Dwayne Reed pt.2)

2023-10-30T03:16:56+00:00Comments Off on #325 Why are you Arguing with a Seven Year Old? (Dwayne Reed pt.2)

  Hello everyone and welcome back to Teach Me, Teacher. if you missed part one of this discussion, you can listen here. You can also catch the video of the whole podcast here. In this episode, we continue talking about why [...]

23 10, 2023

#324 Do Kids Want to be in your Class? with Dwayne Reed (pt.1)

2023-10-23T01:12:01+00:00Comments Off on #324 Do Kids Want to be in your Class? with Dwayne Reed (pt.1)

You can hear this entire talk by supporting the show on Patreon here.  Joining us on the Teach Me, Teacher podcast is the renowned Dwayne Reed, also known as Mr. Reed in the world of social media. He soared to fame [...]

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