
16 07, 2020

SUMMER BLAST #2 – It’s Time to Reflect with Nicole Marte

2022-06-08T21:38:02+00:00Comments Off on SUMMER BLAST #2 – It’s Time to Reflect with Nicole Marte

Hello everyone and welcome to Teach Me, Teacher’s SUMMER BLAST of inspiration! I cannot express how excited, pumped, and inspired I am right now for next year, and I want you to join me and my AMAZING guests in our quest [...]

13 07, 2020

SUMMER BLAST #1 – The World Has Changed, What Now? with Shane Saeed

2022-06-08T21:38:44+00:00Comments Off on SUMMER BLAST #1 – The World Has Changed, What Now? with Shane Saeed

Hello everyone and welcome to Teach Me, Teacher's SUMMER BLAST of inspiration! I cannot express how excited, pumped, and inspired I am right now for next year, and I want you to join me and my AMAZING guests in our quest [...]

6 07, 2020

#171 Free Kids to Learn SEASON FINALE! (Jacqueline Stallworth pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:39:12+00:00Comments Off on #171 Free Kids to Learn SEASON FINALE! (Jacqueline Stallworth pt.2)

Hello everyone! Welcome to part two of the season finale of Teach Me, Teacher SEASON FOUR! What!? My mind is blown. But not more blown than during my talk with the amazing Jacqueline Stallworth! If you missed part one, check it [...]

29 06, 2020

#170 Does the Literary Canon Normalize Whiteness? with Jacqueline Stallworth (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:39:39+00:00Comments Off on #170 Does the Literary Canon Normalize Whiteness? with Jacqueline Stallworth (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Welcome to part one of the season finale of Teach Me, Teacher SEASON FOUR! What!? My mind is blown. But not more blown than during my talk with the amazing Jacqueline Stallworth! I first met Jacqueline at an AP [...]

22 06, 2020

#169 How Teachers Can Begin Fixing the System (Dr. Anindya Kundu pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:42:16+00:00Comments Off on #169 How Teachers Can Begin Fixing the System (Dr. Anindya Kundu pt.2)

Hello everyone! Today I have a special episode for you. We are discussing systematic inequality in America, and what teachers SPECIFICALLY can do about it. If you missed part one, check it out here.  To help us navigate these complex issues, [...]

15 06, 2020

#168 Inequality and Student Agency with Dr. Anindya Kundu (pt.1)

2022-07-30T21:25:51+00:00Comments Off on #168 Inequality and Student Agency with Dr. Anindya Kundu (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Today I have a special episode for you. We are discussing systematic inequality in America, and how it is not only affecting our communities and students, but what teachers SPECIFICALLY can do about it. To help us navigate these [...]

8 06, 2020

#167 Reflective Readers with Travis Crowder (pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:43:47+00:00Comments Off on #167 Reflective Readers with Travis Crowder (pt.2)

Hello everyone! In light of the tragedies facing the world and America today, I found it timely to bring this talk to teachers. I don’t believe there has ever been a time in modern history when our students need to be [...]

1 06, 2020

#166 Reflective Readers with Travis Crowder (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:44:26+00:00Comments Off on #166 Reflective Readers with Travis Crowder (pt.1)

Hello everyone! In light of the tragedies facing the world and America today, I found it timely to bring this talk to teachers. I don't believe there has ever been a time in modern history when our students need to be [...]

25 05, 2020

#165 Beyond Grades, Rewards, and Standardized Testing with Alfie Kohn

2022-06-08T21:44:54+00:00Comments Off on #165 Beyond Grades, Rewards, and Standardized Testing with Alfie Kohn

Hello everyone! Today, I am releasing what I believe is the most important podcast in the history of the show. Not only is it filled with honest and real world talk, it is filled with research based advice and insight from [...]

18 05, 2020

#164 The Coffee Shop Mega Lesson with Lisa Toebben

2022-06-08T21:45:21+00:00Comments Off on #164 The Coffee Shop Mega Lesson with Lisa Toebben

Hello everyone! There are a lot of great ideas out in the world. Many of them are fantastic projects, experiences, or just ideas on how to spice up a lesson in your class. Some of those are MEGA LESSONS—lessons that take [...]

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