
8 03, 2021

#201 Manage Behavior Better with Ms. Chyna

2022-06-08T21:17:04+00:00Comments Off on #201 Manage Behavior Better with Ms. Chyna

Hello everyone! Coming off fresh from my 2 hour episode with Eric Weinstein, I wanted to talk about behavior and better ways we can respond as teachers. To do so, I brought on the amazing Ms. Chyna, a behavioral special education [...]

2 03, 2021

#200 Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity

2022-06-08T21:17:39+00:00Comments Off on #200 Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity

When I started Teach Me, Teacher in 2016, I did so with the goal to talk to great educators in my building. Season 1 of the podcast was entirely made up of the teachers I knew, and a cheap USB mic [...]

22 02, 2021

#199 E-Sports and the Future in VR ED (Jesse Lubinsky pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:18:03+00:00Comments Off on #199 E-Sports and the Future in VR ED (Jesse Lubinsky pt.2)

Hello everyone! Last week, Jesse Lubinsky joined me to discuss tech and the revolution it is having in education. If you missed that, check it out here. If you're all caught up, I can't wait for you to hear part 2! [...]

15 02, 2021

#198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:18:27+00:00Comments Off on #198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Covid has made sure we are all intimately familiar with how to set up Zooms, use Google services, and operate the various learning management systems our districts have purchased. Many of us have been forced to learn how to [...]

8 02, 2021

#197 Can We Accept This System? (Amen Rahh pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:18:55+00:00Comments Off on #197 Can We Accept This System? (Amen Rahh pt.2)

Hello everyone! If you missed part 1 of my discussion with Amen Rahh, otherwise known as Principal Rahh on Instagram, you missed an amazing episode and need to check it out. In part 1, we took a hard look at equity and [...]

1 02, 2021

#196 Revolutionary Education with Amen Rahh (pt.1)

2022-07-30T21:23:46+00:00Comments Off on #196 Revolutionary Education with Amen Rahh (pt.1)

Hello everyone! I don't know about you, but leadership has been on my mind a lot these past few weeks. It's as if there has been large events of some kind, putting the weight of leadership into perspective, but I can't [...]

25 01, 2021

#195 Mindfulness and Speech-Language Pathology with Rachel Musial

2022-06-08T21:19:47+00:00Comments Off on #195 Mindfulness and Speech-Language Pathology with Rachel Musial

Hello everyone! One of my goals of this podcast has been to reach out to as many areas of education as possible. I believe that the types of educators who spend their free time listening to a teacher podcast are the [...]

18 01, 2021

#194 Go the Extra Mile (CJ Reynolds pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:20:17+00:00Comments Off on #194 Go the Extra Mile (CJ Reynolds pt.2)

Hello everyone! Educators DO A LOT to make sure kids get the content they need. They stay late to tutor. They craft lessons on the weekends and over breaks. They think and plan, and think and plan, and do it because it [...]

11 01, 2021

#193 Everything is for the Kids with CJ Reynolds (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:20:43+00:00Comments Off on #193 Everything is for the Kids with CJ Reynolds (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Educators DO A LOT to make sure kids get the content they need. They stay late to tutor. They craft lessons on the weekends and over breaks. They think and plan, and think and plan, and do it because [...]

5 01, 2021

#192 Schools Should Be Open with Brian Mendler (pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:21:16+00:00Comments Off on #192 Schools Should Be Open with Brian Mendler (pt.2)

Hello everyone! Wait... didn't we already post an episode this week? YES WE DID... And you all let me know your thoughts on it. Lots of praise. Lots of criticism. Much more to discuss. Because I believe in the power of ideas [...]

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