
17 05, 2021

#211 In Defense of the Literary Canon with Matthew Ryan (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:11:44+00:00Comments Off on #211 In Defense of the Literary Canon with Matthew Ryan (pt.1)

Teach Me, Teacher has released a lot of episodes about literacy, books, choice, and fostering a love for reading in students. In several of those episodes, we have discussed the literary canon, and its role in modern classrooms. In general, those [...]

10 05, 2021

#210 The Continued Loss of a Generation with Jennifer Sey

2022-06-08T21:12:16+00:00Comments Off on #210 The Continued Loss of a Generation with Jennifer Sey

When I released my 2 part episode with Brian Mendler saying SCHOOLS SHOULD BE OPEN, many were quick to react. While most of Teach Me, Teacher's listeners were positive and supportive of this episode, many came out of the woodwork to [...]

3 05, 2021

#209 Can You Hear Me Now? (Suzanne DeMallie pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:12:49+00:00Comments Off on #209 Can You Hear Me Now? (Suzanne DeMallie pt.2)

Hello everyone! If you have been following me AT ALL on social media, you know I talk about change a lot. Not just change I think should occur in the school system, but changes other people believe should occur as well. [...]

26 04, 2021

#208 Advocating for Change with Suzanne DeMallie (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:13:21+00:00Comments Off on #208 Advocating for Change with Suzanne DeMallie (pt.1)

Hello everyone! If you have been following me AT ALL on social media, you know I talk about change a lot. Not just change I think should occur in the school system, but changes other people believe should occur as well. [...]

19 04, 2021

#207 Collective Belief with Dr. Jim Van Allan

2022-06-08T21:13:49+00:00Comments Off on #207 Collective Belief with Dr. Jim Van Allan

Hello everyone! These days, positivity is difficult to come by. It might be easier than this time last year, but I think most of us can agree that we aren't living in the best of times... because of this, many of [...]

12 04, 2021

#206 10 Ways to Nail Your Teacher Interview

2022-06-08T21:14:27+00:00Comments Off on #206 10 Ways to Nail Your Teacher Interview

Hello everyone! Today I'm flying solo as I offer my best 10 tips for getting hired as a teacher. While this episode is geared to new teachers, I believe anyone can follow these tips. So if you are changing schools, positions, [...]

5 04, 2021

#205 Supporting Middle School Readers with Christina Hanson (pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:15:00+00:00Comments Off on #205 Supporting Middle School Readers with Christina Hanson (pt.2)

Hello everyone! It has been said that middle school is where the love of reading goes to die… but not if Christina Hanson has anything to say about it! Christina, otherwise known as @Hansonhallway on Instagram, has a lot to say [...]

29 03, 2021

#204 Supporting Middle School Readers with Christina Hanson (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:15:38+00:00Comments Off on #204 Supporting Middle School Readers with Christina Hanson (pt.1)

Hello everyone! It has been said that middle school is where the love of reading goes to die... but not if Christina Hanson has anything to say about it! Christina, otherwise known as @Hansonhallway on Instagram, has a lot to say [...]

22 03, 2021

#203 The Solution is in Our Buildings (Jimmy Casas pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:16:03+00:00Comments Off on #203 The Solution is in Our Buildings (Jimmy Casas pt.2)

Hello everyone! As the world grapples with crisis after crisis, we have all turned our gaze to the leaders of our communities. Leadership is hard. It is a lonely profession. Yet, according to my guest Jimmy Casas, it is the single most [...]

15 03, 2021

#202 The Cost of Ineffective Leadership with Jimmy Casas (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:16:36+00:00Comments Off on #202 The Cost of Ineffective Leadership with Jimmy Casas (pt.1)

Hello everyone! As the world grapples with crisis after crisis, we have all turned our gaze to the leaders of our communities. Leadership is hard. It is a lonely profession. Yet, according to my guest Jimmy Casas, it is the single [...]

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