
19 07, 2021

#221 Critical Race Talk with Calvin Robinson

2022-06-08T21:06:17+00:00Comments Off on #221 Critical Race Talk with Calvin Robinson

Hello everyone, and welcome to a special 2 part episode of Teach Me, Teacher. The intro you are hearing (reading) now is exactly the same on both episodes titled, Critical Race Talk. This is due to the nature and ties of [...]

19 07, 2021

#220 Critical Race Talk with Professor Jarvis Givens

2022-06-08T21:06:42+00:00Comments Off on #220 Critical Race Talk with Professor Jarvis Givens

Hello everyone, and welcome to a special 2 part episode of Teach Me, Teacher. The intro you are hearing (reading) now is exactly the same on both episodes titled, Critical Race Talk. This is due to the nature and ties of [...]

12 07, 2021

#219 Reflecting on a Year of Covid-Era Teaching LIVE

2022-06-08T21:07:14+00:00Comments Off on #219 Reflecting on a Year of Covid-Era Teaching LIVE

Hello everyone! On July 2nd, I hosted a LIVE discussion on the Teach Me, Teacher Facebook page, where we asked the question: What have we learned from a year of Covid-era teaching? To help answer this question, I took LIVE comments, [...]

5 07, 2021

#218 Reading – Writing Workshop Q&A with Jacob Chastain

2022-06-08T21:07:53+00:00Comments Off on #218 Reading – Writing Workshop Q&A with Jacob Chastain

Hello everyone! I cannot express how excited, pumped, and inspired I am right now for next year, and I want you to join me and my AMAZING guests in our quest to bring some positivity into the teaching world. …but today [...]

28 06, 2021

#217 Unbreakable with Brittany Sinitch (Season 5 Finale)

2022-06-08T21:08:20+00:00Comments Off on #217 Unbreakable with Brittany Sinitch (Season 5 Finale)

Hello everyone! It feels like yesterday I was hyping up the start of season 5 of the Teach Me, Teacher podcast, and now I'm here closing it out. Where did the time go!? We've featured some AMAZING minds this year, including [...]

21 06, 2021

#216 Examining the Creative Classroom (Felicia Rose Chavez pt.2)

2022-07-30T21:22:50+00:00Comments Off on #216 Examining the Creative Classroom (Felicia Rose Chavez pt.2)

Hello everyone! If you have been paying attention to the news surrounding education at all, then you have probably heard people debate over terms like anti-racism, whiteness, decolonization, and white supremacy. As someone who is deeply invested in being better for [...]

14 06, 2021

#215 The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop with Felicia Rose Chavez (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:09:44+00:00Comments Off on #215 The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop with Felicia Rose Chavez (pt.1)

Hello everyone! If you have been following me on social media at all, then you have seen me gush about The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop book by Felicia Rose Chavez. After ten pages I was sold. After twenty I had nearly as [...]

7 06, 2021

#214 A Talk on Race, Equity, and Advocacy in Schools (Peter Mishler pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:10:18+00:00Comments Off on #214 A Talk on Race, Equity, and Advocacy in Schools (Peter Mishler pt.2)

Hello everyone! Last week, Peter Mishler and I discussed his book, FOR ALL YOU DO (which you should buy). This week, we examined one of his beliefs—the belief that self-care for teachers also includes advocating for what is best for students. [...]

31 05, 2021

#213 For All You Do with Peter Mishler (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:10:45+00:00Comments Off on #213 For All You Do with Peter Mishler (pt.1)

Hello everyone! As one of the hardest years is winding down, many of us are thinking about self-care. We're eyeing the beach turning off alarm clocks, and getting ready to have some serious R&R with our loved ones. But if you're [...]

24 05, 2021

#212 In Defense of the Literary Canon with Matthew Ryan (pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:11:14+00:00Comments Off on #212 In Defense of the Literary Canon with Matthew Ryan (pt.2)

Teach Me, Teacher has released a lot of episodes about literacy, books, choice, and fostering a love for reading in students. In several of those episodes, we have discussed the literary canon, and its role in modern classrooms. In general, those episodes do [...]

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