
4 05, 2022

Secretary Miguel Cardona on Politics in Education and Hope for the Future

2022-06-08T20:35:14+00:00Comments Off on Secretary Miguel Cardona on Politics in Education and Hope for the Future

Hello everyone! In honor of teacher appreciation week, the United States Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, has come to Teach Me, Teacher to discuss the politics continuing to shape education, as well as the hope and good news coming down from [...]

2 05, 2022

#261 Leading Like a C.O.A.C.H (Matt Renwick pt.2)

2022-06-08T20:36:00+00:00Comments Off on #261 Leading Like a C.O.A.C.H (Matt Renwick pt.2)

Hello everyone! Summer is on the way and that means many of you are eyeing new ways to serve as a leader in your district (and beyond.) But what does it mean to be a leader today? So much has changed [...]

25 04, 2022

#260 Leading Through Literacy with Matt Renwick (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:37:33+00:00Comments Off on #260 Leading Through Literacy with Matt Renwick (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Summer is on the way and that means many of you are eyeing new ways to serve as a leader in your district (and beyond.) But what does it mean to be a leader today? So much has changed [...]

18 04, 2022

#259 Compassionate Communication Boosts Academics (Josh Monroe pt.2)

2022-06-08T20:38:22+00:00Comments Off on #259 Compassionate Communication Boosts Academics (Josh Monroe pt.2)

Hello everyone! One of the key aspects of being a teacher is being able to communicate well with many people. At times, especially in the classroom, it can feel like there just isn’t time to communicate well. We have lessons and [...]

11 04, 2022

#258 Communication as a form of Care with Josh Monroe (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:40:30+00:00Comments Off on #258 Communication as a form of Care with Josh Monroe (pt.1)

Hello everyone! One of the key aspects of being a teacher is being able to communicate well with many people. At times, especially in the classroom, it can feel like there just isn't time to communicate well. We have lessons and [...]

4 04, 2022

#257 Building an Empowered Writing Community (Erin Gruwell pt.2)

2022-06-08T20:42:01+00:00Comments Off on #257 Building an Empowered Writing Community (Erin Gruwell pt.2)

Hello everyone! Welcome to part two of my talk with Erin Gruwell! Last week, we discussed the power of writing, stories, and teaching honestly. In this episode, we dive into HOW to create a workshop that that is an empowering writing [...]

28 03, 2022

#256 Dear Freedom Writer with Erin Gruwell (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:43:40+00:00Comments Off on #256 Dear Freedom Writer with Erin Gruwell (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Over twenty years ago, the students in first-year teacher Erin Gruwell’s high school class in Long Beach, California, were labeled “unteachable”—but she saw past that. Instead of treating them as scores on a test, she understood that each of [...]

21 03, 2022

#255 Building Back Trust in School (Dr. Zac Bauermaster pt.2)

2022-06-08T20:45:29+00:00Comments Off on #255 Building Back Trust in School (Dr. Zac Bauermaster pt.2)

Hello everyone! It's no secret that the trust people have about schools, rightfully and wrongfully, has been harmed. Many of the relationships involved with well functioning schools are struggling. Some of this is caused by media hype, while others are rooted [...]

14 03, 2022

#254 Leadership Means People First with Dr. Zac Bauermaster (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:46:06+00:00Comments Off on #254 Leadership Means People First with Dr. Zac Bauermaster (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Over the years we have featured some of the top leaders in education, such as Todd Whitaker, Hamish Brewer, and Adam Dovico. Even though Teach Me, Teacher is a teacher centered show, I love talking with administrators from all [...]

7 03, 2022

#253 What it Takes to Empower Young Writers

2022-06-08T20:46:49+00:00Comments Off on #253 What it Takes to Empower Young Writers

Hello everyone! Writefully Empowered is HERE! It's my second book, all about creating a writing workshop that empowers young people to be their best and write pieces they care about. In this episode, I talk with my co-host of Craft & [...]

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