
14 11, 2022

#285 Knowledge vs Skills Debate with Daniel Buck (pt.1)

2022-11-14T04:48:12+00:00Comments Off on #285 Knowledge vs Skills Debate with Daniel Buck (pt.1)

Hello everyone! It has never been the goal of this podcast to push one side of the current issues education is facing. I value the complexities of what we do in schools, and as a consequence, value wide ranging opinions from [...]

7 11, 2022

#284 Embracing the Complexities of Multiple Literacies (Dr. Miah Daughtery pt.3)

2022-11-07T04:47:49+00:00Comments Off on #284 Embracing the Complexities of Multiple Literacies (Dr. Miah Daughtery pt.3)

Hello everyone! After hosting this podcast for 7 years, running my second podcast Craft & Draft, and talking about the importance of authentic writing instruction, I have come to learn an unsettling fact… writing is so often overlooked in professional development [...]

31 10, 2022

#283 The Importance of Cross-Curricular Writing (Dr. Miah Daughtery pt.2)

2022-10-31T03:43:21+00:00Comments Off on #283 The Importance of Cross-Curricular Writing (Dr. Miah Daughtery pt.2)

Hello everyone! After hosting this podcast for 7 years, running my second podcast Craft & Draft, and talking about the importance of authentic writing instruction, I have come to learn an unsettling fact… writing is so often overlooked in professional development [...]

24 10, 2022

#282 Why is Writing Instruction Overlooked? with Dr. Miah Daughtery (pt.1)

2022-10-24T12:37:05+00:00Comments Off on #282 Why is Writing Instruction Overlooked? with Dr. Miah Daughtery (pt.1)

Hello everyone! After hosting this podcast for 7 years, running my second podcast Craft & Draft, and talking about the importance of authentic writing instruction, I have come to learn an unsettling fact... writing is so often overlooked in professional development [...]

17 10, 2022

#281 Educators Need Trust and Support (Dr. Nadia Lopez pt.2)

2022-10-17T18:45:46+00:00Comments Off on #281 Educators Need Trust and Support (Dr. Nadia Lopez pt.2)

Hello everyone! Educators are some of the hardest working people on this earth. Few people outside of education understand what it truly takes to move kids, support families, and build schools to be powerful tools for all who enter them. At [...]

10 10, 2022

#280 Mott Hall Bridges and the Toll of Educational Excellence with Dr. Nadia Lopez (pt.1)

2022-10-10T23:05:11+00:00Comments Off on #280 Mott Hall Bridges and the Toll of Educational Excellence with Dr. Nadia Lopez (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Educators are some of the hardest working people on this earth. Few people outside of education understand what it truly takes to move kids, support families, and build schools to be powerful tools for all who enter them. At [...]

3 10, 2022

#278 From Bandages to Real Change in Schools (Rae Hughart pt.2)

2022-10-03T20:00:18+00:00Comments Off on #278 From Bandages to Real Change in Schools (Rae Hughart pt.2)

Hello everyone! The job of being an educator can be difficult. For a profession that has so many highs, like seeing the growth of young people, it can also have many lows. In such times, it can be hard to be [...]

26 09, 2022

#277 The Value of Your Tribe with Rae Hughart (pt.1)

2022-09-26T03:19:32+00:00Comments Off on #277 The Value of Your Tribe with Rae Hughart (pt.1)

  Hello everyone! The job of being an educator can be difficult. For a profession that has so many highs, like seeing the growth of young people, it can also have many lows. In such times, it can be hard to [...]

19 09, 2022

#276 Practical Health and Fitness for Teachers with Big Ron Jones

2022-09-19T04:08:48+00:00Comments Off on #276 Practical Health and Fitness for Teachers with Big Ron Jones

  Hello everyone! Teachers and administrators live busy lives. We make hundreds of decisions every single day and dedicate the majority of our time serving and supporting others. This often leads us making little time for ourselves, especially with health and [...]

12 09, 2022

#275 Poetry, Writing, and Choice (Linda Rief pt.2)

2022-09-12T04:15:07+00:00Comments Off on #275 Poetry, Writing, and Choice (Linda Rief pt.2)

Hello everyone! Teach Me, Teacher has been very fortunate to feature so many amazing educators—especially in the literacy space. Our Top 10 Literacy Podcasts list gets tens of thousands of hits every month and spans educators all over the United States and [...]

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