
15 02, 2021

#198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:18:27+00:00Comments Off on #198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Covid has made sure we are all intimately familiar with how to set up Zooms, use Google services, and operate the various learning management systems our districts have purchased. Many of us have been forced to learn how to [...]

10 08, 2020

SUMMER BLAST #9 – Change, Passion, and Self-Care with Halee Sikorski

2022-06-08T21:34:35+00:00Comments Off on SUMMER BLAST #9 – Change, Passion, and Self-Care with Halee Sikorski

Hello everyone and welcome to Teach Me, Teacher’s SUMMER BLAST of inspiration! I cannot express how excited, pumped, and inspired I am right now for next year, and I want you to join me and my AMAZING guests in our quest [...]

23 03, 2020

#156 The Best Teacher PD Is … (Kevin Butler pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:50:02+00:00Comments Off on #156 The Best Teacher PD Is … (Kevin Butler pt.2)

Hello everyone! I am SO EXCITED about this week. Why? Because even in the face of great adversity, there are so many districts pushing to keep learning going, and so many teachers working to create a temporary "new normal" for their [...]

16 03, 2020

#155 Why Can’t Public Schools Look Like That? with Kevin Butler (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:50:49+00:00Comments Off on #155 Why Can’t Public Schools Look Like That? with Kevin Butler (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Today we are asking the question, Why Can't Public Schools Look Like That? with none other than the great Kevin Butler! If you don't know who Kevin is, you are missing out, because he is a wealth of inspiration [...]

9 03, 2020

#154 Morning Meeting Crash Course (Megan Siclare pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:51:18+00:00Comments Off on #154 Morning Meeting Crash Course (Megan Siclare pt.2)

Hello everyone! I teased the "morning meeting" discussion last week, and it is here this week! If you want to spice yours up, learn what they are, or just listen to a great talk, this episode is for you! You might [...]

2 03, 2020

#153 Try Something New with Megan Siclare (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:51:50+00:00Comments Off on #153 Try Something New with Megan Siclare (pt.1)

Hello everyone! It is that time of year when everything can start feeling...dull. I mean, with testing, meetings, and everything else that pops up in February and March, our classes can start to feel a little less than exciting. But does [...]

23 12, 2019

#143 These Kids: Inside the Mind of an 8th Grader

2022-06-08T21:56:53+00:00Comments Off on #143 These Kids: Inside the Mind of an 8th Grader

Hello everyone! Coming off the major release of my spoken word poem THESE KIDS, where I say the line, "I'm tired of hearing ABOUT these kids, I want to hear from them..." I decided to do just that on this episode [...]

11 11, 2019

#137 Small Steps to Engage in Math with @MissCraftyMathTeacher!

2022-06-08T22:00:38+00:00Comments Off on #137 Small Steps to Engage in Math with @MissCraftyMathTeacher!

Hello everyone! I have been asked over and over again to get more math teachers on the podcast. So much so, I have been working diligently to make this happen. Knowing I couldn't just get anyone, I made sure to reach [...]

4 11, 2019

#136 Using Podcasts in the Classroom (Haylee Harwick pt.2)

2022-06-08T22:01:10+00:00Tags: |Comments Off on #136 Using Podcasts in the Classroom (Haylee Harwick pt.2)

Hello everyone! Today I have brought on one of my favorite Instagram friends, Haylee Harwick, to continue talking TECH, but more importantly, to discuss how we can all use podcasts in the classroom to extend and support learning! If you missed part [...]

28 10, 2019

#135 Roles of Technology in 5th Grade with Haylee Harwick (pt.1)

2022-06-08T22:01:36+00:00Comments Off on #135 Roles of Technology in 5th Grade with Haylee Harwick (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Today I have brought on one of my favorite Instagram friends, Haylee Harwick, to discuss her journey to using tech, and how she views the roles of technology in her 5th grade class! Haylee is such a fantastic resource [...]

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