Classroom Management

27 12, 2021

#243 Understanding the Purpose Behind Avid with Dr. Lynn Kepp

2022-06-08T20:53:23+00:00Comments Off on #243 Understanding the Purpose Behind Avid with Dr. Lynn Kepp

Hello everyone! Coming right off of the holiday, we head into a fantastic discussion with the Vice President of Avid Center all about deep learning and remembering the WHY behind our practices. I have come into contact with Avid teachers a [...]

13 12, 2021

#241 This Discussion Changed My Mind About Tech with Jon Corippo (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:54:42+00:00Comments Off on #241 This Discussion Changed My Mind About Tech with Jon Corippo (pt.1)

Hello everyone! A few weeks ago, I woke up in a snarky mood. In this mood, I scrolled through Twitter and came across this video from Jon Corippo. I responded by saying something along the lines of "this has nearly 0 [...]

27 09, 2021

#230 ABAR in Practice (Liz Kleinrock pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:01:05+00:00Comments Off on #230 ABAR in Practice (Liz Kleinrock pt.2)

Hello everyone! The terms antibias and antiracist bring up a lot of opinions and feelings in people. Depending on who you are talking to, this work might be the most important work happening in schools, or the bane on public education [...]

16 08, 2021

#224 Textured Teaching (Lorena Germán pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:04:08+00:00Comments Off on #224 Textured Teaching (Lorena Germán pt.2)

Hello everyone! Today we are seeing more and more people discuss education. While this is good in many ways, it is also leading to multiple groups accidentally—and in some cases, purposefully—misusing terms embedded inside of quality pedagogy. Words and phrases such [...]

9 08, 2021

#223 Culturally Sustaining Practice with Lorena Germán (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:04:45+00:00Comments Off on #223 Culturally Sustaining Practice with Lorena Germán (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Welcome to season 6 of the podcast! Today we are seeing more and more people discuss education. While this is good in many ways, it is also leading to multiple groups accidentally—and in some cases, purposefully—misusing terms embedded inside [...]

28 06, 2021

#217 Unbreakable with Brittany Sinitch (Season 5 Finale)

2022-06-08T21:08:20+00:00Comments Off on #217 Unbreakable with Brittany Sinitch (Season 5 Finale)

Hello everyone! It feels like yesterday I was hyping up the start of season 5 of the Teach Me, Teacher podcast, and now I'm here closing it out. Where did the time go!? We've featured some AMAZING minds this year, including [...]

15 02, 2021

#198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

2022-06-08T21:18:27+00:00Comments Off on #198 Is this the Digital Revolution? with Jesse Lubinsky (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Covid has made sure we are all intimately familiar with how to set up Zooms, use Google services, and operate the various learning management systems our districts have purchased. Many of us have been forced to learn how to [...]

23 11, 2020

#184 Empowering Inclusion with Melinda Arnost

2022-06-08T21:25:42+00:00Comments Off on #184 Empowering Inclusion with Melinda Arnost

Hello everyone! If you have listened to the podcast for a significant amount of time, you have probably heard me talk about how my son is autistic. It has been a journey, for sure, but something that has been helpful along [...]

5 10, 2020

#177 Changes We Can Make (Dr. Manuel Rustin pt.2)

2022-07-30T21:25:02+00:00Comments Off on #177 Changes We Can Make (Dr. Manuel Rustin pt.2)

Hello everyone! Today, we are tackling some big and important topics. We are discussing the lives of our students, the importance of having a curriculum that shows that black lives matter, and asking, what we can do as educators to support [...]

21 09, 2020

#175 Education Needs to Work for Our Kids (Susan Barnes pt.2)

2022-06-08T21:30:47+00:00Comments Off on #175 Education Needs to Work for Our Kids (Susan Barnes pt.2)

Hello everyone! Today, I am bringing you part 2 of one of the most powerful episodes in the history of Teach Me, Teacher, and it is with Ron Clark Academy’s very own, Susan Barnes! If you missed part 1, check it out [...]

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