Classroom Management

30 10, 2023

#325 Why are you Arguing with a Seven Year Old? (Dwayne Reed pt.2)

2023-10-30T03:16:56+00:00Comments Off on #325 Why are you Arguing with a Seven Year Old? (Dwayne Reed pt.2)

  Hello everyone and welcome back to Teach Me, Teacher. if you missed part one of this discussion, you can listen here. You can also catch the video of the whole podcast here. In this episode, we continue talking about why [...]

5 06, 2023

#314 A Fresh Look at Classroom Management with Claire English (pt.1)

2023-06-05T05:44:35+00:00Comments Off on #314 A Fresh Look at Classroom Management with Claire English (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Classroom management has never been more important in schools. Study after study cites one of the biggest reasons for teachers leaving the classroom has to do with student behavior. While we can't control everything, we can come together and [...]

24 04, 2023

#308 Share This with a Teacher Who Needs It

2023-04-24T03:45:18+00:00Comments Off on #308 Share This with a Teacher Who Needs It

Hello everyone! Spring is here—and everything that means for school. State testing. Unknowns. Changes. Student behavior struggles...the list goes on. This time of year can be stressful and miserable at times for teachers. If you know, you know... But this time [...]

23 01, 2023

#295 Counseling in Today’s Schools with Counselor Accents (pt.1)

2023-01-23T05:14:00+00:00Comments Off on #295 Counseling in Today’s Schools with Counselor Accents (pt.1)

Hello everyone! We know that change is happening in our society. For many, this change has been difficult and has put strain on the very systems we support and are a part of. In education, counselors are often a key piece [...]

9 01, 2023

#293 Why I Quit Teaching After 5 Years with Halee Sikorski (pt.1)

2023-01-09T04:55:58+00:00Comments Off on #293 Why I Quit Teaching After 5 Years with Halee Sikorski (pt.1)

Hello everyone! We know education is a difficult place to be right now for many of us. The mounting pressure made worse by problems that never seem to go away. Unsustainable work/life balance. Toxic work places... the list can go on. [...]

5 12, 2022

#288 The Elephant in the Room…Student Behavior (Ms. Chyna pt.2)

2022-12-05T04:56:21+00:00Comments Off on #288 The Elephant in the Room…Student Behavior (Ms. Chyna pt.2)

Hello everyone! It is no secret that teachers are facing new levels of elevated behaviors from students. Many seem to struggle with self regulation, attention, and compliance. So much of this can be attributed to schools being closed and Covid changing [...]

18 04, 2022

#259 Compassionate Communication Boosts Academics (Josh Monroe pt.2)

2022-06-08T20:38:22+00:00Comments Off on #259 Compassionate Communication Boosts Academics (Josh Monroe pt.2)

Hello everyone! One of the key aspects of being a teacher is being able to communicate well with many people. At times, especially in the classroom, it can feel like there just isn’t time to communicate well. We have lessons and [...]

11 04, 2022

#258 Communication as a form of Care with Josh Monroe (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:40:30+00:00Comments Off on #258 Communication as a form of Care with Josh Monroe (pt.1)

Hello everyone! One of the key aspects of being a teacher is being able to communicate well with many people. At times, especially in the classroom, it can feel like there just isn't time to communicate well. We have lessons and [...]

28 03, 2022

#256 Dear Freedom Writer with Erin Gruwell (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:43:40+00:00Comments Off on #256 Dear Freedom Writer with Erin Gruwell (pt.1)

Hello everyone! Over twenty years ago, the students in first-year teacher Erin Gruwell’s high school class in Long Beach, California, were labeled “unteachable”—but she saw past that. Instead of treating them as scores on a test, she understood that each of [...]

10 01, 2022

#245 From Compliant to Engaged with Kelly Gallagher (pt.1)

2022-06-08T20:52:26+00:00Comments Off on #245 From Compliant to Engaged with Kelly Gallagher (pt.1)

Hello everyone! When it comes to getting students to engage with content, we often focus on compliance. We want to see students doing the work as we say to do it and during the timeframes we determine are correct. This over [...]

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