Hello everyone! A few weeks ago, I woke up in a snarky mood. In this mood, I scrolled through Twitter and came across this video from Jon Corippo. I responded by saying something along the lines of “this has nearly 0 educational value…” or something like that.

Well, Jon responded, we talked, and now he is on the show! And… I have to be honest, he changed my mind. Sort of. Depending on the context, he definitely opened my eyes to better ways of understanding and using tech, but we also hit on why I, and many others, fear for students in a tech obsessed school or classroom.

Not all that glitters is gold, but some things are.

In this episode we discuss

  • How tech can be used for low level tasks
  • Tech can speed up processes
  • How tech is being used incorrectly
  • Why teacher expertise is still needed even with tech present

…and so much more! You do NOT want to miss this one!

Jon had served a decade at the K-8 level, opened a 1-1, PBL, Google-based high school, served in two county offices, including as an Assistant Superintendent and It Director. Jon has been recognized a County Teacher of the Year, a 20 to Watch Educator by the NSBA, and was a finalist in the EdTech Digest Awards. Jon also holds the Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Innovator, and Microsoft Innovative Educator badges.




This episode is sponsored by Heinemann—the leading publisher of professional books and resources for educators—and their professional book, The Power of Teaching Vulnerably: How Risk-Taking Transforms Student Engagement by David Rockower.

In The Power of Teaching Vulnerably, David Rockower illustrates the transformational impact on student learning that results when teachers lean into their own discomfort and share personal stories, write with their students, and navigate difficult classroom conversations.

David unpacks three dimensions of what it means to teach with vulnerability (personal, relational, and dialogic), shows what each of these dimensions look like in the classroom, and offers action steps to get started.

Learn more about how to transform student engagement in your classroom.  Visit Heinemann.com to download a sample from The Power of Teaching Vulnerably.