Hello everyone! Literacy Essentials by Regie Routman (Stenhouse 2018) is by far one of the most influential books I’ve read in my teaching career. It’s a book I turn to weekly for advice, insight, and encouragement in my work to bring authentic literacy to my students.
So when I was given a chance to talk to Regie herself, I knew I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
In part 1 of the podcast, we dove deep into the increasingly alarming practice of talking about students as if they are data points and not children. We discussed why we need to humanize our classrooms, and how to think about our school culture in a way that fosters equitable practices.
In part 2, we took a look at some practices we are letting happen in our classes and schools that are hurting students, and what to do about them.
And now in part 3, we are wrapping it all together in a discussion about why learning should be joyful—for teachers and students—and should drive us into the beauty and gift that is TEACHING.
Do not miss it!
To listen to my talks with other literacy giants, such as Kelly Gallagher, Donalyn Miller, Penny Kittle, Mary Howard and Laura Robb, click here.
About Regie: REGIE ROUTMAN has more than forty-five years of experience working in diverse, under-performing schools across the U.S. and Canada as an educational leader, mentor teacher, literacy coach, classroom teacher, and teacher of students with learning differences. Her current work involves on-site demonstrations of highly effective literacy and leadership practices and side-by-side mentoring and coaching of principals, administrators, and lead teachers in order to improve reading and writing engagement, achievement, and enjoyment—across the curriculum–for all learners. Her many research-based books and resources have supported hundreds of thousands of teachers, principals, and educators at all levels to create and sustain trusting, intellectual school cultures where hearing all the voices and ongoing, professional learning are priorities. Regie’s most recent book is Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence, and Equity for All Learners. (Stenhouse, 2018) To listen to “Literacy Essentials: The Stories”–personal and professional Stories integrated into the book—go to https://voiced.ca/project/literacy-essentials-the-stories-2/ or wherever you get your podcasts. For full information on Regie’s publications including her Transforming Our Teaching video-based, online literacy series, her PD offerings, and blogs, see www. regieroutman.org